Tuesday, August 5, 2008

It all starts with love...

To commemorate my first Blogger post, I will like to dedicate this post to my absolutely wonderful boyfriend, Max. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't even have created this blog in the first place. It was him that inspired me to express and share my passion for vegan cooking on the internet. He is my lover, my motivator, and my soul-mate. Besides, I figured that I'd introduce him early as he will be the head photographer of my dishes that I will be posting on this blog. So everyone please give him a warm welcome.

In addition to the fact that Max is the sole initiator of this food blog, I have to even give him total credit for giving me the drive to write my very first post. And here's why:

Aren't these the most beautiful roses you've ever seen??? I was completely floored when I got them. I started the day today like any other day. In the middle of my monotonous workday, I got a call from the company mail room saying that there are flowers delivered for me. Initially I thought it must've been a mistake. No one knows my work address. So I went to pick them up suspiciously and was pleasantly surprised to see that it was really addressed to me. I tactlessly rip open the message card taped to the top of the box as I was walking back to my office. Once I pulled it out (took me about 5 minutes), I stopped in the middle of the walkway and held my breath. It was the sweetest and most loving note I've ever got, written by Max. So what was the occasion? It was exactly 7 months since the first day we met. The roses, the card and his thoughtfulness really took my breath away. That was more than enough reason for me to get off my lazy butt and write my first post.

Now that you know a little of how crazy I am about my boyfriend, I can't wait to share with you my passion for vegan cooking. Welcome to my blog, and I hope you will find it entertaining, informational, and delicious.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

omg alice!! what a sweet post!!!!!

i'm looking forward to upcoming entries!!

<3 d