Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Better Late Than Never --- Pumpkin Muffins

Alright, I admit it. I am a horrible documenter. I have tried numerous ways to get around it, trust me. I have used the strategy of putting the camera on the dinner table, carrying my camera everywhere I go, asking Max to remind me to take pictures, sitting at well-lit tables, etc. etc. You name it, I've tried it, but no matter what I do, I always manage to forget to take pictures of my food, whether it's at a restaurant or at home. I have to boast, however, that I have improved from my absentmindedness. I have went from completely forgetting to taking my camera with me when I go out, to realizing that I've forgotten to take pictures after couple of days of actually having the meal, to remembering my failure to take pictures immediately after my late bite. My other biggest obstacle besides my poor memory is my impatience. I love fresh warm food, and I hate cold leftover food, so whenever my food is ready to be eaten, I eat it with no second thought. Even when I remember to take pictures, I often don't because I simply can't bare the idea of letting the pipping hot food go cold, or even luke warm. So I admit it, I'm a terrible documenter and a total leftover snob.

At the other end of the spectrum is that I also have the tendency to take pictures and not post them on my blog. "Why?," you ask. Well, there's really not a good excuse. I just get backed up with other things and neglect to keep my blog updated with the most recent pictures. I'm also working on that, so please be patient.

With that said, here is one of my many past pictures that I never posted. Some may argue, "Why even tell us that it's old? No one will know if you just post it!" Well, to be honest, I do do that, but please don't hate on me, it's just pure practicality and timing. Besides, I don't do it often. My main reason for confessing this time is that they are clearly a fall or winter dish. They're Pumpkin Muffins, for goodness' sake! I can't fool anyone into believing that I just made these! Believe me when I say that I did feel a bit guilty posting these pictures, but I figured that I shouldn't sacrifice my readers' eye candy because of my bad timing. So here it is, better late than never!

Fluffy all around and crunchy on top (because of pecans), these Pumpkin Muffins are great for breakfast, or pretty much anytime you're craving sweets

Paired with a hot cup of tea, these muffins make Autumn that much more enjoyable

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Corny Chowder & Colorful Cole Slaw

I know, I know. I've had another small blog hiatus, but I promise it's for a good cause this time. I've been focusing on two things lately: teaching vegan cooking classes in my apartment once a month and starting my own vegan food business. To give you a gist of what my business is, I am planning to start with two services: in-home vegan cooking classes and personal chef. I will reveal more about my business on my blog as the structure matures. I'm super excited about this chapter of my life! Although I will be starting small, it will be a great opportunity for me to venture into making vegan food for a living! Oh, what a wonderful thought... I am staying optimistic, and I believe it's a dream that's reachable in the near future! Of course, I wouldn't be able to do this without all of your supports, my readers. Whatever drives you to read my blog definitely gives me the confidence to continue this path. So here's a BIG THANKS in advance!!

Now to the food. What I'm posting this time is another homework assignment from my cooking school at the Natural Kitchen Cooking School. Since these dishes were small, I decided to make both in one night to give you readers double the eye candy, to make up for the small hiatus. Both of these dishes have made it to my repeating menu list. The Corny Chowder is definitely a bowl of sunshine. It is so bright that it makes you smile as you're eating it. The secret to the chowder-y texture is polenta, and it works perfectly! With this recipe, there's no need for cream in a satisfying corn chowder ever again! The toasted pumpkin seed and the parsley harmoniously pull the dish together in terms of flavor and texture. They're so essential that I don't even call them garnish in this dish.

The second dish is a Colorful Cole Slaw, and the beauty of this dish is its simplicity. This is what you call a pressed salad. All you do is put all the raw ingredients in a bowl, sprinkle salt and let it sit for at least an hour as it "ferments." Then, you press the water out of the salad by squeezing it dry. Finally, you just season it with whatever flavors you want. In this case, it was just some umeboshi vinegar, topped with some toasted sesame, and, voila!, a refreshing salad. It's a great complement to a soup like the Corny Chowder to complete a meal.

So simple yet pretty and delicious

A great meal anytime